About this Service

UGPay is the web acquiring solution deployed by Guaranty Trust Bank (Ghana) Limited, Ghana’s “Best Bank in Product Innovation 2014”, to enable the University of Ghana collect fees and payments for other services on the University’s website.

The platform provides a convenient channel for prospective and existing students, parents, guardians and alumni resident outside the country to pay for services rendered / needed from the University.

Generally, the solution allows ‘‘online’’ payments of tuition, graduation, application forms etc fees as well as payments for other services rendered by or needed from the University. The platform accepts both Visa card and Mastercard, issued anywhere in the world.

The process for payments is simple and straight forward. The payee begins by logging on to the University’s website (www.ug.edu.gh). He then clicks on the “UGPay” icon, which takes users to a link to the Academic Affairs page; this page can only be accessed with a valid student Identification Number and PIN on the University’s website.

The payment option page requires the payee to choose from two payment options. The options currently accepted on the platform are Mastercard and Visa card.

Upon the selection of the payment option, the payee or the person paying would be required to input his card details (card number, expiry date, PIN etc) for payment processing. Once the payment process is completed, the payee’s account is debited instantly and the University account is credited.

The platform provides an automatic generation of payment notification to the University and a printable online receipt to the payee.

Overall, the platform provides a very convenient fee collection channel for the University.

For parents, guardians and others who have to pay fees for their wards in the University, this channel provides peace of mind as such parents / guardians could make the payments from the comfort of their homes or offices at their own convenient time, anywhere in the world.