About this Account

The GTBank Seniors Account is a current account designed specifically for Senior citizens who are 60 years and above.

It is a service offering that allows Senior citizens bank for free and carry out their Banking transactions with ease from any of our branches nationwide.

Features & Benefits

  • Zero COT
  • Free ATM card
  • Free Cheque book
  • Free Statement printing
  • Free SMS (GeNs notification)
  • Ease of receiving entitlement and monthly pension
  • Use of Fast Track Lane at all our banking halls (No need to queue)
  • Access to a Relationship Officer
  • Unlimited ATM withdrawals within Ghana and abroad
  • Flexibility of paying into own account through any of our branch locations nationwide
  • Access to various electronic channels (Internet & Telephone Banking)

How to Apply

  • Duly completed application form. Download one here – [link to download form]
  • One passport photograph of account holder
  • Proof of address (Utility / directional map)
  • Valid National Identification
  • One reference form duly completed. Download form here – [link to download form]
  • Residence / Work Permit (for Non-Ghanaians)

Migration to the Seniors Account

  • Existing customers can or are migrated to the Seniors Account when they turn 60 years.
  • Their type of depositor code is changed to the Senior Account’s depositor code.
  • Once migrated, they enjoy the benefits of the product on their Senior’s Account.